Evolutionary Biology Through the Foundation of
• T R U T O N •
The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of life,
and I will build, out of it, the biological world of Nature...


Evolutionary Biology


2. Ecological Pressure (Ecopress) and Eco-Strangulation (Ecostrang) Theory

no God here
 ecological pressure



When, in a habitat (terrestrial, aquatic, or aerial) one or more of the basic abiotic ingredients of life (oxygen, food, or water) are in decline, we say that the said habitat is being ecologically pressed (ecopressed).
ecopressure could come from two, and only two, sources:

 i) one, coming from external, uncontrollable factors (be it from a drought, from a volcano eruption, or from the impact of an asteroid), called exter press or outer press and
ii) the other, coming from within the internal pressure, called the inner or intra press, resulted from the self-induced
ecopressure process triggered by the most dominant species (domispec) that, through its rapid overpopulation, began rapidly depleting the natural abiotic resources of that habitat which was not able to replenish itself, to keep up with the ever growing consumption demand.


We call ecological system (ecosystem), the
biotic-abiotic (bioabi) amalgam of a habitat.

natsel A species from its birth experience continuously ecological pressure (ecopress). Natural selection (natsel), through ecopress, will differentiate and eliminate the less adaptable species to the ecological pressure from the once that are more adaptable to it, creating as such better adaptable to change (adaptoc) lineages. We formalize that recognition of the beneficial effect of the ecopressure to the successful development of species into

The First
Theorem of Ecopressure (1st TOFEC):
On The Beneficial Characteristic of Sustained Moderate Environmental Pressure
A quasi-steady and tempered ecopressure
is always beneficial and necessary for the global development of a
successful species.


Natural selection (natsel), by eliminating species that are less adaptable to the environmental pressure, will develop a stronger more adaptable lineage for its challenging evolutionary development.
, for a successful grow and evolutionary development of a species, a steady, temperate eco-strangulation is necessary being, as such, most beneficial.


Remark: In studying the embryonal Nature (Embryna), we recognized (point 2, of the Ultimate Marks of Creation) that a stable material entity once created is endowed, at its birth, with a resistance to change (RETOC). As such, a stable ecological niche (ecolon), upon its formation, is endowed with an inborn RETOC.
bendev For a most beneficial development, a moderate controled ecopressure must exist whose strength should stay preferably close to, but not to exceed, the upper limit of RETOC. And at the end of the next page, we are going to show how this beneficial development (bendev) is being manifested to the current evolved human species.

The Second
Theorem of Ecopressure (2nd TOFEC):
On the Detrimental Characteristic for Lack of Environmental Pressure

The less ecopressure a species will have, the weaker its resilience and dominance will be. That is to say, that the more protection a species will have, the weaker and less adaptable to change it will end up to be.
As such
, overprotective species are dammed in their successful development and doomed to self-extinction.


The Third
Theorem of Ecopressure (3rd TOFEC):
The Biotic-Abiotic Interdependence Characteristic

The biotic and abiotic life develop a reciprocal interdependence characteristic via their ecological pressure (ecopress), as follows:

When the biotic life strangulates the abiotic life of the habitat by excessive consumption, the abiotic life in turn, by not being able completely to be replenished, will begin strangulating the biotic life by reducing the available consumption supply.

, the evolution of an ecosystem has an innermost dependency of its ecopressure:

if it is too excessive, it will perish but,
if it is moderate, it will benefit by flourishing.


As such, an ecopress differentiation needs to be made between
a quasi steady
ecopress that is tempered and moderated and of

an intense accelerated ecopress that is at the verge of passing a tipping point of no return (tiponor).

with the first, exerting a beneficial influence, while the latter, exerting a lethal influence, as detailed below.

The Fourth
Theorem of Ecopressure (4th TOFEC):
On The Lethal Charcteristic
The Strangulation (strang) Theory
An excessive unabated and uncontrolable ecopressure
will always turn destructive and lethal in the end for that


As long as the skewed ecological balance (skeb) is moderate and not exceeding the "strength" of RETOC, a tolerable quasi steady skeb will exist. However, if the ecopressure increases in strength and overpowers RETOC, an oppressive relationship begins to develop: the ecological harshness (ergoharsh).

, should the ergoharsh continues unabated increasing in its strenght, then such an increase will reach the strangulation phase --the ecological strangulation (ecostrang).

Continuing on that path of unabated ecostrang, that self-destructive path will reach, as in an avalanche, the tipping point of no return (tiponor) after which the stoppage of that self-destructive process could no longer be possible.
, we have entered into the ecological dooming (ecodoom) final phase composed of the ecological suffocation (ecosuff) stage and the ultimate ecological graveyard (ecograve).

In a nutshell, the presented ecological strangulation (ecostrang) theory can be encapsulated as follows:


tipping point
of no return



We have examined in here the global influence of how an ecosystem is being affected by the ecopressure from being beneficial (when applied steadily and in moderation) to becoming lethal when in excess (through excessive eco-strangulation, leading to the eco-suffocation and ultimately to the eco-graveyard stages). The demarcation line between the beneficial and lethal zones is dictated by the line of RETOC.

Thus, by 4th TOFEC, when that ecopressure becomes far more intense, we say that the habitat experiences an ecological strangulation (ecostrang).

In an
ecostrang habitat most, but not all*, species will become extinct. We say now that the said strangulated species had undergone a mass strangulation (masstrang) process.

*Remark: The reason that some of the species of an ecostrang habitat would be able (marginally) to survive is because those surviving species (surspecs) did not face a direct brunt of the lethal ecopressure. As such, surspecs are the carriers of the subsequent evolutionary cycle (evocycle) for that strangulated habitat.

Now continuing with our
ecological strangulation (ecostrang) theory, we note of the Preponderance Principle of Causality (PPOC) from where we now introduce
Evolutionary Precedence Principle Of Strangulation (EPPOS)
The Evolutionary Precedence Over the Ad Hoc Outer Environmental Strangulation

                                                environmental depletion
                                                environmental depletion
When a habitat becomes ecopressed, the outer press will be considered --as a cause-- only when the inner press has been ruled out. That is to say, that the inner press will always take precedence over the outer press in the establishment of a mass extinction (massex) cause.
A prime example of EPPOS is the case of Dinosaur (detailed below) whose extinction was proved to be self-induced (simex), caused by the inner rater than of a speculative cosmic asteroid outer ecopress.

Futuristic Outlook


It is hoped that EPPOS will cement the foundation of the Rational Evolutionary Biology (REB) pioneered by Charles Darwin and continued with the "punctuated equilibria" theory of Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould to contrast with the current Speculative Evolutionary Biology (SEB).



From EPPOS, we now introduce
The First
Foundational Theorem of Mass Extinction (1st FOTH)
In all mass extinctions (massexes), the dominant species (domispec), that has triggered the habitat to become strangulated (ecostrang), will always end up extinct.

Proof for the two (2) major eras: before and after (modern) human intervention.
Dinosaur Case
Case I: Animal Intervention (The Dinosaur Case)
For the Animal case, we have choosen the most popular one, that of the Dinosaur.

Herbivorous Dinosaurs

Contrary to the popular view, the Dinosaur alone, and not an asteroid nor other cataclysmic event, is responsible for its own demise.

Indeed, how the Dinosaur gradually had triggerd a mass extinction for the terrestrial habitat (terrahab) was posted in the previous page and encapsulated anew here:

Having no (serious) predators and being herbivore, it quickly saturated the terrahab with its presence and overwhelmed the natural "green" world that quickly become exterminated.
ecolocon With no food left and little oxygen remaining
, the extinction of the Dinosaur is a foregoing ecological conclusion (ecolocon).

spinetasNot all terrestrial animals were wiped out by that terrestrial mass extinction triggered by the Dinosaur. Small nocturnal creatures living in burrows were able to survive because, by the gravity, molecules of oxygen were able to conglomerate sustaining marginally the life there.

Those small creatures must have had spines covering them, so when moving around in those burrows, they were able to dislodge from the soil the conglomerated oxygen needed for their breathing. We will call such a tiny primitive creatures with spine, a spinetas. The spinetases resemble echidnas or porcupines.


The aquatic habitat (aquahab) was not much affected by the terrestrial mass extinction and, as such, most of the maritime creatures, including the crocodile, amphibians and other land creatures like lizards (that can live in-and-out water), were able to survive the Dinosaur's demise.

Foundational Corollary

On the Origin of Birds: The Gliding/Flying Lizard


The mass extinction triggered by the Dinosaurs has left a massive trail of destruction and death. As noted, the most prominent terrestrial survivor was the nocturnal spinetas.

Another important survivor groups that were able to escape the dinosaur's mass extinction, that depleted the terrestrial landscape of the oxygen (O2), were the amphibians and reptiles. They were able to survive because of their connection to the nearby water (H2O) that is rich in oxygen.

Some lizards, from all reptiles, were able through accidental mutations, to begin gliding from one place to another. That gliding ability was pushing their bodies to gradually transform themselves for becoming better gliders. And that body transformation evolved into two (2) major directions: the i) interior and the ii) exterior.

i) The internal modification was geared towards transforming their bodies from cold blooded creatures to warm blooded. That evolutionary transformation was needed so that they could survive the cold weather during the night. As such, their cardiovascular system was transformed. Their heart was modified, acquiring another chamber: from three (3) to four (4) chambers.

ii) The external modification was geared towards improving their gliding capability. That evolutionary transformation dictated their bodies to acquire a more aerodynamic shape and get rid of the unnecessary features that interfered with the gliding. As such, they dispensed of their teeth and added a toothless beak.

The primitive bird was born.




                                                          on false


Note: This Foundational Corollary is a direct refutation of the current prevailing view that considers the origin of birds not reptilian, but dinosaurian.
That dinosaurian hypothesis emerged from the belief that a transitional fossil (tranfos) was found that established the dinosaur at the base of the bird evolutionary tree.
, that conclusion is false contradicting the landmark result of how evolution occurs in the first place:
Evolution (aka POPvolution) always occurs in saltation or jumps.
From there, it was recognized in The Principle of Popvolution that

no transitional fossils (tranfoses) can exist between a base species (baspec) and an emerging new species (newspec).

As such
, the discovered Archaeopteryx fossil is NOT a transitional fossil of anything!
There are NO transitional fossils (tranfos) to be found anywhere, ever! The tranfoses are in fact, as noted, the primospecs.

At best, as such, that Archaeopteryx is a primospec fossil, as recognized in 1868 by Thomas Henry Huxley, of a "very dinosaur-like bird " whose lineage eventually become extinct due to the mass extinction triggered by the dinosaur.

The lineage of the modern birds started, as such, anew with the demise of the Archaeopteryx lineage, and that new bird lineage started, as proved above, with the Flying Lizard.

Case II: Human Made Intervention
The human species has become the most dominant species on the planet on all existing habitats far exceeding thus the past dominance of the Dinosaur that had only terrestrial dominance.

Marching towards the
                                                      Point of No
This human dominance, as in the case of the Dinosaur, began depleting the Earth's natural resources on one hand, and began destroying the terrashield, on the other hand. That relentless dual assault on Earth's land and air, on one hand, with the massive population increase, on the other hand, created the necessary and sufficient condition for the self-strangulation process to commence. Famine, abrupt climate change, abrupt deterioration of the quality of the air that we bread --are sign that, as in an avalanche, that the masstrang has began. Time is ticking now for the inevitable end. We are about to reach the tipping point of no return (tiponor).

Asteroid Belt
The existing Asteroid Belt in our Solar System,

The humans, as oppose to the Dinosaur, have the capability of accelerating or decelerating (but not eliminating) their
self-induced "strangulation."

An snapshot on the systematic and vast forest loss linked to cattle farming in Brazil as reported by The Guardian.
The acceleration could come by ignoring the visible sign of the "strangulation," by the massive deforestation currently in place, or by using (as an act of exasperation, madness, or accidental) the lethal powerful explosive weapons that we have, capable not only to wipe out the entire human species, but also capable of blowing up the entire Earth transforming it into another asteroid belt in our Solar System.
An asteroid belt fragment that could be imagined as being the remnant of Earth after being blown-up.
ForinThe deceleration could come by making a concerted effort of protecting and repairing the terrashield, i.e., by putting a stop of the depletion of the Ozone layer and, by recognizing the importance of curbing the global warming. To this, we need to add the creation of a massive global Forestation initiative (Forin) that will be able to increase substantially the natural Oxygen production.

A market in Mumbai, India. With a population of over 1.4 billion,
India is set to pass China in population.
The ultimate reason that, in the end, the human species will perish is because, it has created and continue to create, as in the case of Dinosaur, an overpopulation that can no longer be able to be sustained. It is indeed the hope that the inevitable end will come later than sooner.


Moving on, we introduce now
The Second
Foundational Theorem of Mass Extinction (2nd FOTH)
The self-induced mass extinction (simex), in the Cycle of Life (Cycol),
acts as a
turning evolutionary point (tep).
Spiral Evolution


surspecs will change the direction of evolution with the disappearance of domispec that triggered the mass extinction (massex). That change of direction in evolution (codev) would created new evolutionary oportunities that were barred by the existence of domispec. Thus, each massex is being reduced to a turning evolutionary point (TEP) that signals, in turn, the starting of a new evocycle.


PS> By EPOL, simex can be expanded regardless how a massex will originate, as the same "punctuated" codev with its TEPs will emerge, as long as Earth, as a planet, will preserve its integrity.

Preview of the Current Human Self-Induced Extinction (SINEX)
Human self-extinction
(Paralleled with the Dinosaur’s simex)

Carbon Dioxide
biolev The human species has evolved as the most dominant and evolved species from the entire history of biological evolution (biolev). That dominance triggered a dramatic increase in population. That, as in the case of Dinosaur, triggered a dramatic increase in the natural terrestrial consumption of Earth's natural resources that become in danger of depletion by not being able to be replenished in time.



Extreme draought

foful However, the human species, unlike the Dinosaur, did not stop there from the terrestrial consumption. We humans started devouring the underground, as well. For combustion, we humans become ravaging the underground fossil fuels (fofuls) vested in coal and petrolium with the accompanying flammable natural gas. When burned, fofus happened to release into the atmosphere the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that is not only a toxic ingredient to life, but also is a heat entrapper in Earth's "exhaling" mechanism!
Death symbolThe destruction, by the humans, of Earth's natural ecological environment --the ecocide, is now in full swing assuring, as such, for SINEX to continue, with little resistence, the completion of its deadly scenario.

air polution
Cardiob With the growing demand for fofuls, a Carbon Dioxide Blanket (Cardiob) emerged that entraps the heat dispersed from the surface of Earth. That heat entrapment created a worming effect on the planet that triggered a substantial increase in rain storms and other violent activity due the increased trappings of the vapor molecules from oceans reaching the Cardiob.

clichaA massive climate change (clicha) with violent atmospheric activity unable to escape from Cardiob, has began to dominate the new transformed climate. Floods, increased rain activity, violent hurricanes and typhoons, are now part of this new evolving clicha.

climate change.

melting of glaciers

Polar Bear

In addition, with the temperature rise, the ice-self melting of glaciers adding more water to Earth's oceans puts the costal land and cities around the globe in imminent danger of disappearing...
costal cities
Costal cities in frontal danger of disappearing by the climate change.
clime change devastation
Migration from inhospitable regions due to increased inhabitable temperature, of permanent floods, of sinking cities, of shortage of food, are unmistakable signs of the direction that awaits us to see...
warning on climate change
climate change

cloud formation

climate migration
dire warning
                                                      on climate
mass extinction
TIPONORclimate change
global boiling
Global Warming ===>
Global Boiling ===>
Global Mass Extinction
The human induced self-strangulation of life
, coming now from so many directions, is about to reach indeed the tipping point of no return (tiponor).

                                                          boiling mass
Hell descending on Earth...
At the most, we can only slow down the peace of the self-induced extinction (SINEX) process, but nothing more.


In our biological study of Nature, we recognized that a mass extinction (massex) will usher the way for a new hierarchical evolutionary cycle (evocycle) to commence. We noted that the surviving species (surspecs) of massex will be the initiators of the new evocycle.
ultimon TEPWe call ultimon the ultimate evolutionary species that was able to escape and survive massex. On the "shoulders" of ultimons, the direction of evolution of new evocycle will be rested. As such, ultimons are indeed the turning evolutionary points (TEPs) in the grand tableau of biological evolution (biolev).


Biology cannot breathe without Evolution as Religion cannot breathe without God...
Bratu Klim, webmasterBratu Klim, webmaster

Kalman Klim Brattman