Klim Brattman Give me
the simplest form of
and I will build, out
of it, the biological
world of Nature.... .
0. Life's
Origins and Evolution
How a
chaotic molecular chemistry was able to
give rise to an orderly evolutionary
biology, is a staggering journey that is the
subject of this page. For that transformative
journey that seeks to discover the origins of
Life, we bring herein two
fundamental trutonianresults:
• one, the
Primeval Initiator and Agent
of Creation (PIAC)
together with the Pop-Up
Principle Of Creation (PUPOC)and, • the other,
the Ultimate Marks Of
Creation (UMOCs)
together with the conditions
needed for material
evolution (matev) to take
We begin our
journey by noting first that,
at the cosmological level (cosmolev),
the great majority of stars have around them
planetary systems, similar to our Sun,
holding its formed planets.
As such,
in the cosmic
space (cospa),
there will be a multitude of planets,
similar to our Earth, that will revolve
around the stars of those planetary star
Therefore, Life,
yet to be defined, is by no means unique to
Earth. And that is because of the autonomous
characteristic of evolutionenunciated in 15th UTPOT that
emerged from the multitude
existential mark of creation (ME-UMOC).
The First
Principle of Evolutionary
Biology (1st PEB)
is not a unique phenomenon to
Earth, but is a common
occurrence to other cosmic
planets associated to other
stars of the Universe.
Without yet
defining Life, we call Prelife
as a precursor candidate of Life.
Where such a Prelife
candidate could have possible resided?,
is the first question that we need to
Well, Earth at its inception of existence
was devoid of a protective atmosphere and,
as such, it was completely exposed to the
continuous bombardment of the cosmic
background radiation (cobar)
that it receives. Thus, Prelife,
at that beginning stage of Earth's
existence, could not possible have emerged
on its arid surface. A shield protector
(shiprot) of some sort against cobarwas needed for the emergence
of Prelife to
At the inception of Earth's formation, four
primeval chemical (primchem) elementsthat existed, in the
decreasing order of their abundance, are of
special interest in here. They are: Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O),
Carbon (C), and Nitrogen (N).
the first two chemels,
Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O),
the molecules of water (H2O)
were able to emerge. As such, the water, as
it was taking hold on the Earth's surface,
was able gradually to form ponds, lakes,
seas, and ultimately the oceans.
Any of those aquatic environments
would have been able to provide a shiprot
for its submerged entities. Thus, only in an
environment, Prelife
could have emerged to exist and reside. We
mark that pivotal recognition into
The Second
Principle of Evolutionary
Biology (2nd PEB)
originated in an aquatic
environment. Without the
existence of an aquatic environment, Prelife would not have
been able to exist.
Corollary to
the 2nd PEB
in planets that
can acquire and
retain water
on their soil, Prelife
could have
maintained its
The noted four (4) primeval
chemical elements (primchems)
of the primeval Earth, after countless
aquatic random combinations, were
able to produce, by random chance, a
variety of complex chemical (comchem)
molecules in the created primeval ponds.
Some of those ponds eventually
evolved ultimately into oceans.
The aquatic environment
provided by oceans created a most
different aquatic environment
than in the ponds. There in the
oceans, the comchems molecules have
acquired a new remarkable
characteristic --the mobility,
because of the ocean's currents.
In addition, in one or more
formed oceans, submerged aquatic
volcanos were also part of
that oceanic landscape that
intermittently released vast
amount of energy affecting
everything around them. And that
strengthened intermittently, big
time, their mobility
triggering, as such, the most
extreme violentcollisions
(viocols) for the moving
comchem molecules.
As a result of
those viocols
in a high thermal aquatic environment, novel
Carbon-Hydrogen chains of chemical
structures were being formed having new qualitatively
characteristics with respect to their Carbon (C)
affinity. Those new chemical pop-ups,
called the Prelife pops (prepops),had organic molecular
(A naturally
occurring amino acid.)
Some of the
primeval of such prepops,
with an organic
molecular structure, were the amino
acids. Chains of amino
acids by further
combining around a central Carbon (C)
atom generated additional novel chemical
structures with the most notable ones being
the protein. The Prelife
platform (prePLAT) housing the organic
was born.
as the Precursor of
In the newly formed Prelife
platform (prePLAT),
the interaction among its prepops
began accelerating at an exponential rate.
The finitude mark of creation
would not allow such an undefinite ascension
to contine with its existence, so let us see
into what the Prelife
could have been evolved.
The only way, for stopping
that wild "fermenting" accelerating process
of interaction between its prePLAT
members, was for them to acquire some sort
of a protective coat or mantle
(i.e., a shiprot)preventing them of reaching
and reacting to other members. And, by
accident, and against all odds, some "naked"
in their random wild uncontrolled
interactions with each other, were able to
create for themselves such a mantle
or coat
vested in the form of some sort of a
protective membrane.
Those "vested" or "clothed" prepops,
that were able to acquire such a cover,
have now been separated from the rest,
transcended and popped up from their
Prelife platform
(prePLAT) into a new
Prolife platform (proPLAT). The new
members of the proPLAT
have acquired now a new name being called biological
cells (biocells) or simply biologicalpop-ups (biopops).
LUCA The Last
Universal Common
Now, those biological
pop-ups (biopops),
generating the Prolife
platform (proPLAT),
were carriers of the primeval life
(primLife). Because they were residing
in the same oceanic habitat, they were prone
again to collisions
and intermittently to violent
collisions (viocols).
Out of such an viocol,
by random chance, a miraculous unique primLife,
was able to emerge to poduce subsequently
single cell organisms with different
structures that evolved to encompass all
known embryonal Life (embrylife)
on Earth. And such, because of that ultimate
seed of Earth's life existence, that unique
was named LUCA being the acronym of
Last Universal Common Ancestor.
A fundamental
characteristic of embrylife organisms has
been their ability to reproduce
as outlined below.
We already have recognized that
the Collision is the ultimate
agent of creation. From a
Collision, two and only two,
outcomes could result: either a
break-upor an infussion.
Thus, from those two outcomes,
two and only two reproductive
mechanisms could result: a
breaking apart reproduction
--that is the asexual reproduction
and an infusion reproduction
--that is the sexual reproduction.
We mark that result into the Grand
Unification Theorem of
Reproduction (GUTOR).
LUCA does not
represent the origin of Lifeper se, as that
distinction belongs to the primlife that appeared
long time before the birth of LUCA. As such, LUCA is the "last,"
but not the "first," harborer of
Life on Earth.
With the emergence of proPLAT,
the remaining question is with respect to
the status and the evolution of the
depleting prePLAT.
Well, with the remaining "naked" prepops
of the prePLAT
continuing to migrate into the Prolife
platform (proPLAT),
the question for us in figuring out HOW the
End would look like for the depleting prePLAT.
Well, the
migration of the "naked" prepops
to the proPLAT
will stop when no longer an opportunity
would exist for them to be engaged in any
form of chemical interactions. And such an
occurrence could have happen only if the prePLAT
has been reduced to having only one single
solitaire member! With that recognition,
we call that solitary last prepop
of the prePLAT,
the solapun that happens to be the
precursor of the virus.
On The Emerging Life
At the inception of Earth's
the Oxygen (O),
that was one of the four primchem
elements, did not stay idle for too long as
seen below:
Oxygen (O) was being
hunted not only by the most
abundant element in Nature --the
Hydrogen (H), but also by
the most able element to bind
with other elements --the Carbon (C). As such, in
finding the Oxygen (O), the Carbon bond resulted
in the formation of the
non-toxic, acidic colorless gas,
the Carbon Dioxide
molecule (CO2).
In addition, Carbon (C) by combining
with Nitrogen
created a myriad of organic
compounds implanting, as such,
the primeval seeds for the
evolving Prolife.
Those three
primeval gas molecules, the
dominant Carbon
Dioxide, the Nitrogen (N), and the Water molecules were
the principal ingredients of primeval
atmosphere (primat).
Stunningly, the primeval breathing
mechanism that had emerged
in Prolife, was not
through Oxygen,
through the abundant stable Carbon
How, that breathing
mechanism evolved and
dramatically changed, in ousting
the Carbon
Dioxide and replacing
it with the Oxygen (O), is the
captivating subject below..
Some of the primeval aquatic biocells,
by the wind, were been blowing out of the
water along the shores and, were able to
breathe through a Carbon
Dioxide mechanism.
However, through random rapid mutations,
some subsequent biocells
emerged with the ability to use Carbon
Dioxide as their
nutrition, converting Sun's light energy
into a chemical energy. With the available water
molecules (H2O),
a stunning chemical production of Oxygen
(O2) molecules
was taking place with the consumption of the
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)as follows:
That stunning transformative
synthesizing reaction, called photosynthesis,
stands at the backbone of all emerging life
on Earth. All forms of
subsequent algae and plants that have
followed, have emulated that photosynthesis
as their life backbone.
The continuous consumption
of the Carbon
Dioxide with the
simultaneous increase of Oxygen
(through the arrival of the terrestrial biocells,
transformed the composition of primat
in a most profound way. That transformed primat
created the necessary, but not the
sufficient condition, for Prelife
to transform into the expansion of Life
outside the aquatic environment.
a successful life transition from the
aquatic to the terrestrial environment, a terrestrial shield
protector (shiprot),
called TerraShield (terrashield),
had to exist. The existence of such a terrashield
was able to be formed due to the increased
presence of the Oxygen
molecules (O2)
supplied by the newly created photosynthesis
phenomenon that was transmitted in primat,
as follows:
of the Oxygen
molecules (O2) that were able
to remain "free," were split
into its two Oxygen atoms
(O) by the Sun's ultraviolet
(UV) rays. Those two
"free" Oxygen atoms (O)by combining
each with an available Oxygen
molecule (O2) will form
collectively two Ozone (O3)
molecules. The created Ozone
(O3) gas layer
is indeed the terrashield. We write all
this formation below.
O2+UV=O+O O+O2=O3 O+O2=O3
the Expansion of the Terrestrial
Emerging Life
Once the plant-like aquatic
emerging life (emerlife) was able to
take hold, opportunities existed for their
expansion into the land. By the winds, some
primeval freshwater green algae,
could have been thrown out of the water to
the nearby land.
As noted, prior of acquiring
the Ozone terrashield,
Life on Earth was unsustainable because of
the continuous bombardment of the cosmic ray
radiation. As such, in those hostile
environmental conditions, no terrestrial Life
could have emerged.
However, with the Ozone terrashieldcreated around the Earth, a
dramatically different picture was now able
to emerge with multiple simultaneously
tracks (SimTRACKs) encapsulating the
formation of terran Life --the TerraLife
(terralife), as follows:
1. Random mutations from aquatic emerlife
green algae
evolved in time
into aquatic algae-like
From there, in
that aquatic
environment, the
first flowering
have surfaced
above the water
--the beautiful
Lily plants.
Also from
aquatic green
algae, some sort
of primitive
larvae with
gills like for
breathing were
able to be
formed, called gillons.
From winds, some
of the Lily
and some of gillons
will end up on
land and be able
to take hold in
there. As such,
some of the
aquatic Lily
plants will
evolve into
terrestrial flowering
Some of the
landed gillons,
on the other
hand, would
eventually end
up evolving into
The invasion of
the terralife
has just began!
some of the landbound
insects will
end-up on flowering
where the nectar
and/or pollen
became very
attractive as a
food supply.
That unexpected
discovered food
supply triggered
a rapid
towards flying.
As such, the flying
become a
conclusion of
As noted, the
evolution of flying
was triggered by
the bountiful
food supply that
the flowering
plants could
provide. On
the other hand,
the flowering
plants found
the flying
as their
lifeline of
procreation. As
such, the flowering
have evolved to
attract, as much
as possible,
their visiting flying
for their own
use, as a
mechanism via pollinization.
As such,
an unique
called symbiosis
or mutualism,
was able to take
hold and evolve
between the flowering
and the flying
whose benefits
were mutual in
sustaining Life:
From that symbiotic relationship, the flying insects get out nectar and/or pollen of the flowering plants while the flowering plant uses the flying
insects as its own carriers, called pollinators, that
carry its
pollen to
other blossomy
like plants,
ensuring as
such the plant
and the
propagation of
6. To beat the "competition," some of the
flowering plants evolved of getting taller than the rest. Greater hight
of a flowering plant provided a dual advantage:
i) one, in better harvesting the
sunlight for photosynthesisand ii)
the other, in
in spore
as spores (and
later, seeds)
could be blown
at greater
distances if
the plant was
An effective
vascular system
was required for
a plant to
achieve greater
heights. To
acquire the
resemblance of a
tree, i.e., to
acquire arborescence,
plants had to
develop woody
tissue that
provided both:
support and
water transport.
As such,
evolution was
pushing in that
direction for
the development
of a "secondary"
growth. The
first plants to
develop such a
growth with a woody
were the ferns.
On The Transition
from Worm-Like Aquatic to
Terrestrial Emerging Life
Through a
random mutation, some aquatic microbes at
the edges of water pockets or enclaves were
able, by the wind, to disperse on land to
evolve and transform into mucus worm-like
organisms, the terrestrialwormons
called terramons, that were able
to breathe by receiving oxygen through their
moist mucus skin by the diffusion
shortly before his death.
Terramons to be able to
survive on land had to
physically and chemically modify
the soil in which they landed.
They did that and eventually
evolved into becoming the earthworms.
As originally pointed by Charles
Darwin in his last 1881
book "The Formation of
Vegetable Mould Through the
Action of Worms, with
Observations on their
Habits," the
transformed worm soil
added not only to the worm survivability
and success on land, but also
added to the increase of the soil
health benefiting, in
that way, the life of plant
For the aquatic microbes
that remained in the water, they would also
evolve into worm-like organisms, the aquatic
wormons called aquamons.
Those wormons
have evolved to have a "front" and a
"back" with two symmetrical sides
and, with "openings" at either "end"
joined by a "gut."
development of the bilateral symmetry
evolved as a necessity of those creatures to
integrate more aptly with their surrounding
environment. That primeval body plan was
subsequently transmitted to the entire animal
domain (anidom) kingdom.
such, we can say that the wormon
paved the way to the path of animal
evolution, called anivolution (anivol),
for the entire anidom,
from worms to humans...
On the Sudden Emergence of the
Primeval New Species: the
Primeval Popups Creation
From the general Pop-Up
Principle Of Creation (PUPOC),
we know that a qualitatively new state of
existence (i.e., a popup)
will always emerge out of the old state if
its resistance to change (RETOC)
can be overpowered. That overpowering
mechanism is a continuousandgradal upleveling process
called upvolution,
that varies from a situation to another.
A new species always pops-up abruptly after
a continuous upleveling process in
reaching the bottleneck
passage (BOPA).
We say that the emerged pop-up
creation is the result of pop-evolution,
called POPvolution (popvolution). As
we have seen, a new species always pops out
after a continuous struggle to reach BOPA.
Thus, what is continuous
is the upleveling struggle to reach the bottleneck
passage (BOPA),
but not the appearance of new species. That
appearance, as we have seen is a punctuated
or fragmented process of saltation.
That fundamental
recognition that the speciation
is not a continuous process, but
is a fragmented one that arises
abruptly as pop-up or saltation
phenomenon, was first recognized
only in 1972 by Niles Eldredge
and Stephen Jay Gould
in their "punctuated equilibria"
landmark theory.
Stephen Jay Gould
From that fundamental Popvolution
recognition, we continue now with posting
its straightforward consequnce:
Principle of Popvolution
There are no transitional
fossils (tranfoses)
between a base species
(baspec) and an emerging
new species (newspec).
fossils that are being referred
today as transitional
fossils (tranfoses) are
in fact the fossils of the
emerged primevalnew species
(newspecs) called primospecs. Those primospecs will gradually
and continuously develop into evolved
newspecs called evospecs.
.On the Finitude
Mark of Natural
Selection (Natsel)
Charles Darwin
The finitude mark
of of creation (FV-UMOC) reveals that no
process in Nature can evolve and
ascend indefinitely. As such, a
finite evolutionary top (evotop) must exist for
any natural process.
Thus, the inevitable question
that now arises is with respect
to Charles Darwin'sNatural
Selection (natsel)
evolutionary ascending process.
Does natsel, as such, has a
Well, the answer
to that is quite straightforward:
YES, by 5th FURON the finitude of
natsel is a foregoing
But then, if that is so, by
5th FURONit follows that the emerged
"survival of the fittest" (sofit)
organisms must be engaged, unwittingly, into
a self-destructive activity of their own
habitat. WOW! Well,
but that is exactly what happens. An
emerging induced and infused self-destructive (selfdes)evolutionary process is now begins to
develop, as follows:
The successful
selected sofit species, by
overpopulating their given
habitat, will start now
continuously depleting the
habitat's natural resources to
the point of no return. A
"suffocated" habitat begins now
to emerge that is unable to
sustain the existence of its
most successful dominating
The inevitable mass extinctions are,
as such, the direct results of selfdes
processes. But before entering into those
intrigued studies, we need first to take a
closer look at ecological niches
--the subject of the next page.
Biology cannot
breathe without Evolution as Religion cannot
breathe without God...