The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
10. The Primeval Particles of Nature

In April 1932 John Cockcroft (left) and Ernest Walton (right) split the atom for the first time. One week earlier, James Chadwick who was a student of Ernest Rutherford (center) and who discovered the Proton and the atomic nucleus, discovered the Neutron. Rutherford, in turn, was a student of J. J. Thomson who discovered the Electron whose name was coined by G. J. Stoney


holeonIn a previous page, we have seen, through the 1st FUTOS, how a spinning solid xenobase (XB) mass was able to be transformed into a permanent spinning xenofluid (XF) mass --the spinoflon (sFL). Now, in Prena, we have recognized that the most general gliding baselevel (BALE) blocks are not the solid XB-blocks, but are the baseholons (bHLs) that are XB-blocks that contain in them "holes" of xenovoid (XV) that were called holeons (HOLs), and denoted also with Øs.

The simplest, and by far, the most abundant
baseholon (bHL) is the one that contain only one single holeon (Ø). That solitary holeon (Ø) is being formed at the place of collision of the two (2) gliding XB-blocks. The collision at an angle is, by far, the most prevailing type of collision. That angular (ANGU) collision, in addition, is the most interesting type because it will generate a spin --the primal tool of creation (PRITOC).

As noted, that spin induced into a baseholon (bHL), will transform its xenobase (XB) mass into a xenofluid (XF) one pursuant to the 1st FUTOS. The axis of spin (AOS) of that newly created spinning object, called spinoholon (sHL), can either pass or no pass through the interior of its studied holeon (Ø). As such, we need to study separately the two cases with respect to the position of the AOS with respect to the studied holeon (Ø).



As already noted, from the 1st FUTOS, we know that the XB-mass of the baseholon (bHL) will transform into a xenofluid (XF) mass. We want now to know into what a holeon (Ø) will be transforming into from the two cases with respect to the position of the AOS. From those studies and no other place, the primal particles of Nature, the primons (PRIMs), must emerge.

We can talk about Nature's baseline (natbase) as the line where primons (PRIMs) are emerging. Because PRIMs reside at the natbase platform, they could be called alternatively as baselons (or simply BALs).

Thus, it is the scope of this page to investigate Nature's primeval formations, called primons (PRIMs), that can be formed out of the holeons (HOLs). Because primons (PRIMs) reside at the baseline (BL) platform of Nature, they, as noted, could be called alternatively as baselons (or BALs).

From the 11th UTPOT with ANAP and FUCO, we know that primons (PRIMs) do not have, per se, any inborn properties of characterization and that, all their properties are nothing else but expressions of the relationships that their environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium can establish and react to them. In other words, it is the eXF, and noting else, that regulates how its embedded PRIMs will behave.

CODEBOCHowever, for that relationship to exist, the primons (PRIMs), must establish a bridge of communication (BOC) with their environment. And that environment, pursuant to the 1st FUTOS, is the xenofluid (XF) medium. Now, for that BOC to be established, a common denominator (CODE) must exist.
In finding that
CODE, we already know that the xenofluid (XF) medium is endowed with the ergolib (erLib). As such, to complete the CODE, we need to establish that PRIMs are also endowed with the ergolib (erLib).
So then, let us identify the types of PRIMs in existence.

We begin with this study by noting of the two (2) basic cases that can be distinguished with respect to the position of the spinoholon's axis of spin (AOS) in reference to a studied holeon (Ø):
   I) one, where the
AOS is outside or at the border of the holeon (Ø); and
 II) the other, where the
AOS is inside of the holeon (Ø).

Finally, before concluding with these starting preliminaries, we note that to the holeon's surface , we can associate two (2) facets:

• one, towards the interior, facing the void or the xenovoid (XV) of the interior of Ø --the internal facet denoted with i; and
• the other, towards the exterior of Ø, facing its surrounding environment --the external facet denoted with

As the
baseholon (bHL) begins to spin transforming itself first into an embryonal and then into a developed spinoflon (sFL), two (2) corresponding distinct phases emerge to exist as described in the 1st FUTOS: the initial nano phase followed by the subsequent perma phase,
• with the nano phase, corresponding to the inception of the Spin that accelerates and lasts until it reaches a permanent constant upper speed level, followed by
• the
perma phase that continues with keeping in place the acquired constant upper speed level of the Spin.

Now, in this study, our sole interest is in finding out HOW a holeon (Ø) transforms and evolves itself from its original to its ultimate state of existence for each of the two (2) positional cases of the spinoholon's AOS.

CASE-I: AOS is inside of Ø (AOS Ø).
(Note: The original holeon Ø can be of any shape and thus not necessarily the one represented in here in the blue contour.)



As the baseholon (bHL) begins to spin, the holeon (Ø) begins to Spin as well, that is the spin of the spinoholon (sHL). Thus, because of the spin, the holeon is in the radiPLLAT. However, by the 1st FUTOS, the holeon's surface , together with the rest of the spinoholon (sHL), transforms into a xenofluid (XF) that was formed in the transiPLAT.

The radial XEBA in the radiPLAT where the holeon (Ø) resides, is able to keep in place its external facet , but not its internal facet i that begins advancing inwards by the RENO of the radiPLAT.

As the internal facet i advances inward radially and shrinks, it will leave behind a xenobase (XB) cushion, called the transitional xenobase buffer zone and denoted as a tXB-BUZO, in the radiPLAT. That shrinkage of i (whose STIP is of radi nature) cannot go on indefinitely and it will stop when its XF-surface density reaches a XEBA balance between its resistance to change (RETOC) and the Spin's centrifugal (CF) force.


The internal facet i now has become a xenogel (XG) surface.

A physical ball-point (to be differentiated from a mathematical point), called pointelon, has been created in the
radiPLAT whose surface is xenogel (XG) and whose interior is a minute xenovoid (XV).


The external facet , on the other hand, through its expansion capability fueled by the centrifugal (CF) force, will be able to expand that created tXB-BUZO into a permanent XB-BUZO that will be able to offset the pointelon's higher ergolevel (erL).



That newly assembled formation of a pointelon surrounded by a XB-BUZO in radiPLAT could be called

     either bufferlon (BUFF) to reflect its buffer zone,

     or excesstron to reflect its excess of ergolevel (erL) due to the xenogel (XG) surface of its core.

. Because of the existence of the XB-BUZO, the bufferlon/excesstron is a detectable or "visible" particle in a xenofluid (XF) medium. In addition, because of its compressibility, that XB-BUZO can be viewed as a compressible xenobase (XB) "cloud" (XB-cloud) that would exert wave-like properties.
2. Because of the pointelon, that formed particle, in addition, could manifest itself as a particle-like entity.


George Johnstone Stoney
G. J. Stoney

J. J. Thomson
EL The TRUTON's bufferlon/excesstron is the today's called electron (EL) whose name was first introduced in 1894 by George Johnstone Stoney to denote the "atoms of electricity" and three (3) years later cemented by J. J. Thomson. Therefore, the pointelon represents the core of the electron while the surrounding XB-cloud is what is known today as the electron's charge or load.

  On The Relative And Absolute Charge Of the Electron
It is important to recognize that the size of the XB-cloud surrounding the pointelon varies in size proportionally in accordance to the ergolevel (erL) value of its environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium: the higher that environmental ergolevel is the smaller, in proportionality, the size of the XB-cloud is going to be. As such, we can talk about about the electron's relative charge with respect to its environment. We say that this relative charge is the electron's charge modulo its environment.
Because of the proportionality in fluctuation of the size of the XB-cloud with the variability of the environmental's ergolevel (erL), it follows that the ratio between the two will always be constant. We call that constant the electron's absolute charge.

Thus, the emerging structure of the electron is that it has a core (vested in the pointelon) surrounded by a permanent charge or load (vested in its surrounding XB-cloud). Since that charge or cloud lowers the global ergolevel (erL) of the electron to the ergolevel (erL) of its environment, it follows, that to the electron's charge we can can associate to it, the negative deficit sign. Viewed through that deficit vista, electrons can also be called negatrons.

A vista summary of the electron's connotations just introduced is noted below:

Vista Electron's Vista Through its Facets: repeltron/excesstron/negatron

  • Viewed through the bufferlon's vista, we get a glimpse at the electron's repelling property, at close range, due to the existence of its buffer zone --the XB-cloud. Because of that repelling property at close range, electrons can be called alternatively as repeltrons.
  • Viewed through the excesstron's vista of its pointelon, we get a glimpse at the electron's ergo-energetic capability and influence and, as such, they can be called alternatively as excesstrons and denoted with the ">" sign.
  • Viewed through their negative charges, electrons can be called alternatively as negatrons.
Electron Symbol
symbol (">")

Foundational Remark:
The pointelon just introduced in TRUTON is a foundational concept and, as such, before going any further, we make below this foundational detour:



On the Physical and not Mathematical Substratum of Nature 

Before continuing with this study, it is perhaps appropriate to stop here and enter into a small, but most important foundational detour by noting that in TRUTON, always a differentiation is being made between the mental mathematical world (or any other mental world) and the real physical world of Nature. In TRUTON's introduced parlance, that differentiation between the real physical objects of Nature and the mental ones was expressed through realtons versus mentalons, respectively.

As such, the physical point --the pointelon and the mathematical point can be viewed as mirror images from two different worlds: one --material, the other mental. Using again the TRUTON's introduced parlance, the mental mathematical point is being viewed as an imagetron transposition of the Mind to the Reality and vice versa.

And that transposition point-pointelon is possible to take place because of a bridge of communication (BOC) that can be established between the mathematical point and the physical pointelon via a common denominator (CODE) which exists and vested in
  • that they represent the smallest entities in their respective worlds and,
  • that they cannot be divided into smaller entities as they are both are undivisible.

From that
CODE however those two entities that emerge, the point and the pointelon, diverge into two totally different contrasting tracks as represented below:

The Point Concept of Mathematics
The Pointelon of TRUTON

1. The point has not a real existence in Nature being a position or a location, but not a real "thing," being only a mental entity residing and existing only in the Mind.

1'. The pointelon has a real material existence in Nature that exists independently from our own existence. The pointelon is definitely a real material "thing."

2. The point is dimensionless since is a place and not a "thing."

2'. The pointelon is dimensional being the smallest material entity of Nature.

3. The point has no structure or contour.

3'. The pointelon has an interior made of xenovoid (XV), and a surface made of xenogel (XG).

4. The point has no shape.

4'. The pointelon is of spherical shape.

5. The point has no affinity of any sort towards the (mathematical) space that is in as, by being an exclusive creation of the Mind, its existence is not being controlled by the space in which it resides.

5'. The pointelon, is a creation of Nature and, as such, it has an indestructible and intertwined affinity towards its environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium that is reflected in its physical characteristics and behavioral properties.

6. The point is completely inert in its (mathematical) space as no interaction exist between itself and the type of space that is in.

6'. The pointelon always is able to sense its environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium because of the bridge of communication (BOC) that exist between itself and its eXF medium.

7. The point is unchangeable as it will always remain the same regardless of the type of (mathematical) space that is in.

7'. The pointelon can change its configuration and transform itself into something else pursuant to the influence dictated by its eXF medium.


Aside from the physical point of Nature --the
pointelon, another foundational physical entity that we have encountered was the physical surface, called now the surfalon, to differentiate it from the mathematical concept of surface.

Again, as in the pair point-pointelon, we can establish the pair surface-surfalon as representing the mirror image of their identical functionality from two different worlds: one --mental hosted by the Mind and Mathematics, the other --material surface hosted by Nature and Physics. That transposition between Mind and Reality and vice versa is possible because of the common denominator (CODE) which exist betwwen them encapsulated as dividers or separators between
  • either the interior and the exterior of an object,
  • or between various regions of the space itself.

Again, from that
CODE however, those two pair-entities that emerge, the surface and the surfalon, diverge, upon formation, into two totally different tracks that contrast as represented below:

The Surface Concept of Mathematics
The Surfalon of TRUTON

1. The surface is devoid of any materiality and exists only as a mathematical boundary of a 3-dimensional volume or as a divider of a 2-dimensional plane.

1'. The surfalon has a real material existence in Nature that exists independently from our own existence, does not exist as a space divider per se, but exists only as a separator between the interior and the exterior of a material object.

2. The surface is devoid of thickness.

2'. The surfalon has thickness that can expand and contract as dictated by its environment and/or the interior of a material object.

3. The surface has no inner structure between its inner and outer facet.

3'. The surfalon has an inner underneath xenobase (XB) structure that exists between its inner and outer facet.

4. The surface can have a multitude of shapes that Mind can devise that is subject only to mathematical constrains.

4'. The surfalon shape is derived exclusively from the outer shape of Nature's material objects and nothing else.

5. The surface has no affinity of any sort towards the (mathematical) space that is in.

5'. The surfalon has an interwoven affinity with both its environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium and the interior of the material object that is a part of it, as it is being reflected in its physical characteristics and behavioral properties.

6. The surface is completely inert in its mathematical space as no interaction exist between itself and the space that is in.

6'. The surfalon always is able to sense both, its environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium and, the interior of its material object that is part of, via its respective external and internal facets.

7. The surface, once created, it always will remain the same in the mathematical space that it was created.

7'. The surfalon can change its configuration and transform itself into something else pursuant to the influence dictated by its eXF medium.



Electron icon Continuing, we now make these basic characteristics (BACHARs) of the electron (EL) derived from its properties developed in radiPLAT that are able to be preserved, by IAP, in the transiPLAT medium of the spinoflon (sFL):

through its pointelon, as being a particle and
through its
XB-BUZO, as having a wave-like characteristic.



The 1st Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
Electrons are stable permanent particles.


The stability and permanency of the electron is derived from the permanency and stability of its two constituents: the stable
pointelon and that its XB-BUZO that provides stability for its charge (or load).


The 2nd Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
Electron, as a carrier of a permanent smeared charge distributed around its core.


The electron's XB-BUZO is its charge that, as noted, it spreads forming a buffer, called bufferlon (BUFF), around its core --the pointelon.

The 3rd Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
Electrons, as permanent mobile (PERMO) particles.


Since the electron was born in a spinning spinoflon (sFL) whose axis of spin (AOS) is outside of the electron's inerior, its outward accelerated mobilty, away from sFL's AOS, is derived from GUTOM (point-2).

Now, if the electron's outward accelerated motion has not yet reached the critical speed of disintegration, then by reaching the internal facet of the spinoflon (sFL), the electron will bounce back and begin its retrograde decelerated motion towards the AOS of sFL. That pattern of back and forth motion of the electron will continue in perpetuity as long as its speed does not reach the critical value of disintegration.

The 4th Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
Electrons, at close range, repel each other.

The proof is straightforward due to the existence of the electron's sustained buffer zone --the XB-BUZO.

The 5th Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
Electrons, by their own nature, are minute vibratory particles.

The proof is based on the fact and recognition that the electrons are ergopeaks (erPs) which, as already noted, are vibratory by their own nature. Their bufferlons (BUFFs) permanently are vibrating, as they continuously oscillate minutely between their two neighboring states of existence --the xenobase (XB) and the xenothin (XT).

The 6th Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
On the Duality Particle-Wave Behavior of the Electron, And
Of the Purported Mystery of Electron Behaviour in the Double Slit Experiment
That Ushered the Birth of a Nonsensical Irrational Theory of Quantum Mechanics


The Double Slit Experiment with electrons, which is viewed today as the greatest mystery in Physics, can, in fact, with ease be explained using our acquired picture of the

The particle-wave duality of the electron's characteristics is easily understood from the contribution of it pointelon --as a particle, and that of XB-BUZO --as a compressible buffer "cloud" of wave-like charactheristic.


PS. The great considered enigma of Physics, which the late Richard Feynman has called it "the central mystery" of Quantum Mechanics, was recently articulated, in a popular TV show, by a well-known American new-Physics peddler, Brian Greene of Columbia University. There, he noted that contrary to our intuition, electrons that are fired to pass through two slits, will not leave just two (2) bands on the barrier board --as expected, but it will leave five (5) bands [sic!}, as illustrated by him below.
.How such a thing was possible?, has been the 90-year old perplexing foundational question of Quantum Mechanics that begged indeed for an answer. The OBE British theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili of the University of Surrey even had suggested that resolving that mystery of Physics through common sense and logic is a sure thing of landing on a Nobel Prize [sic!].
Brian Greene explaining to an American televised audience the great and perplexing "mystery" of science...
                                                          Greene at
                                                          Colbert Show
                                                          Greene at
                                                          Colbert Show


The rather simple logical explanation of that purported "fundamental mystery of Nature" lies in the particle-wave duality that is being carried by the electron's combined contribution of its constituents: (pointelon)+(XB-BUZO).



                                                          wave behavior
Two (2) band imprint characteristic to particle behavior
(that for the
electron is being carried by its pointelon)
Three (3) band imprint characteristic to wave behavior
(that for the
electron is being carried by its XB-BUZO)
Total bands generated by the electron: 2+3=5. Mystery resolved.


.1. In the wave behavior of the electron, we note that the smaller the slit, the greater the angle of the spread is going to be. And that is because the smaller the slit, the greater the squeeze of the XB-BUZO is and, as such, the greater his spread is going to be --by RENO-- upon the passage of the slit.
.2. Placing and plugging-in a detector or any other plug-in device is an absolute no-no for this type of experiment because of the interference and perturbance created as recognized first by Werner Heisenberg through his Observational Indeterminacy Principle (HOIP). He also brilliantly revisited this subject of the observer's interference in his 1933 Nobel address and lecture stressing the recognition of the observer effect when we enter into the particle world of Nature --in general, and that of the electron --in particular.

The 7h Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron Collisions
On the Rotational Spin (Rotaspin) generated through angular collision of Moving Electrons

 Moving electrons in angular (ANGU) collisions will acquire half (1/2) rotational spins (back-and-forth) movements.
That rotational spin (rotaspin) that is denoted with the Greek letter 'rho'
rho can formally be written as being half positive (+1/2) and half negative (-1/2) reflecting the direction of the rotaspin, clockwise or counter-clockwise, respectively.


All ANGU collisions, as recognized, generate a rotational spin (rotaspin) for the respective participants. Now, since the formed electrons are ingrained into their environmental xenofluid (XF) medium, it follows that as they begin to spin, they will begin warping and thus stretching their surrounding XF.

That dirrectional spin cannot go on for too long as it will stop when XF is being stretched at maximum becoming xenobase (XB). When that happens, by RENO, the directional spin will stop and reverse course beginning to unwrap into a reverse directional spin until XB reaches the XF state. A back-and-forth half-rotaspins will emerge in perpetuity.


The 8th Basic Charactheristic (BACHAR) of the Electron
On the Mutual Interaction (Mutin) between the Static and the Moving Electrons:
Static electrons will repel one from another while

 Moving electrons will attract or repel one from another according to whether they move in the same or in the opposite direction, respectively.


Statelon Two static electrons (statelons), in proximity to another, will repel one from another, because of their existing innate buffer zones XB-BUZO.
movelon Two moving electrons (movelons) in proximity one from another,

will attract themselves if their respective move is in the same direction, and

will repell themselves if their respective move is in opposite directions, as revealed in

The Interaction Dichotomy of Movelons (Tidom)


To a moving electron (movelon), we associate a Frontal Part (FP) and Dorsal Part (DP). As it moves, a movelon leaves in DP a low dense (lowden) medium and, in FP a high dense (highden) compressed xenofluid (XF) stratum.

Now, 2 adjacent
molevons moving parallel in the same direction, will "fall", by the Downfall law, towards each other's respective low dense (lowden) dorsal parts (DPs) regions that will create the conduit for their mutual atraction.

However, if the 2 adjacent
molevons are moving parallel in opposite directions, then they will now encounter each other's frontal parts (FPs) of high dense (highden) mantle which, by the Downlevel (Downlev) law, will generate diffusion that will create the conduit for their mutual repulsion.


the big

. From Tidom, we see WHY two parallel wires with electric current flown in opposite directions will repel each other while when flown in the same direction, the two parallel wires will mutually attract each other.



electric and

2. The electron movements (rotaspin and orbital) generate the creation of both, the magnetic and electric fields, combined into the electromagnetic field (elfi) whose global propagation is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the electron. The created electron's dual poles, frontal (FP) and dorsal (DP), stands at the foundation of both, the magnetism and the electromagnetism theories.




CASE-II: AOS is outside or at the border of Ø (AOS Ø).
(Note: The original holeon Ø can be of any shape and thus not necessarily the one represented in here in the blue contour.)

Unlike the previous Case-I where the holeon (Ø) executes a spin that is the spin of the spinoholon (sHL), in here, the holeon (Ø) that is in the transiPLAT begins to rotate around the axis of spin (AOS) of the sHL together with the rest of its mass. Due to the spin, the bHL becomes a spinoflon (sFL) whose mass transforms into xenofluid (XF), as detailed in the 1st FUTOS. As such, the surface of the holeon, that is in transiPLAT, transforms into a xenofluid (XF) surface of gradal density as detailed in the 1st FUTOS.

Now, by the RENO of the transiPLAT, holeon's internal xenofluid facet i will be advancing inwards. As i begin advancing inwards, the holeon's external xenofluid facet will follow suit. The speed of the inward advancement of the internal facet i will be far greater than the one of the external facet . And that is because RENO will have a much greater strength for the internal facet i that faces the xenovoid (XV) in comparison to its influence on the external facet that faces the xenobase (XB) which was left behind by the moving i.

The self-shrinkage of i will stop when the increasing strength of its RECO will catch-up and equals with that of its RENO.

As such, upon the stoppage in movement of the internal facet i, the external facet that follows, will continue however with its inward motion dictated by by inertia. The result of that inward push of the external facet , now being the called coverlon (COV), on the pressed internal facet i, creates a dual complex scenario as follows:

a) either the impact, is strong enough to overpower its
resistance to compression (RECO), transforming thus the internal facet i into a xenorigid (XR) surface and, call such a new particle a hardtron (HD);
b) or the impact is not strong enough, leaving thus unchanged the internal facet
i with its existing xenogel (XG) facet and, call such a particle a softelon (SL).






Both those particles, the hardtrons (HD) and the softelons (SL), called collectively the pulsagons (PUGs), have a common characteristic namely, that they

• in their influx phases, generate for their nearby surrounding memoc, a continuous inflow field towards them, called infield, that is periodically punctuated through
• their outflux phases, with releasing (at periodic intervals of time) an outflux burst or flash of an
energy radiation (eRAD) package called ergon.

The pulsagons (PUGs) are thus particles in a permanent influx state punctuated by periodic outbursts of "packets" of radiation called ergons.

The Bucket

That characteristic of a pulsagon (PUG) of generating for their nearby surrounding memoc, a continuous inflow towards them and of their releasing periodically a "packet" of ergon radiation is similar, in a strange way, with that of a bucket whose bottom is supported by a spring that will open when the bucket is full with, say, water.

Indeed, in such a visualization and strange comparison where water is being visualized as a field, we have a continuous flow of water flowing into the bucket which, at periodic intervals of time, releases abruptly, at its bottom, a "packet" of water.

The "packet" of water that periodically is being released by the bucket at its bottom, in this strange water-field visualization, is the ergon field, while the continuous flow of water entering into the bucket is visualized as being the infield (that happens to represent, in the end, the gravitational field, to be revealed in the next page).

Max Planck
Max Planck

calrad Before going any further, let us note that the introduced ergon field radiation is indeed Max Planck's monumental recognition of 1901 [see, his paper "On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum," Annalen der Physik, vol 4, p. 533 ff (1901)] that the thermal or the caloric radiation (CALRAD) is "punctuated" through "packets" or "lumps" of energy that he called them "energy elements."
moa Those energy "bundles" became "quanta" of energy that eventually ushered the birth of Quantum Mechanics, now degenerated from a physical theory into a phantasmal Hocus-Pocus Mathematical Mechanics Of the Absurd (MOA).

Gilbert N.
Gilbert N. Lewis



A new quantonic approach will emerge for Max Planck's quanta, renamed now quantino, that will replace Quantum Mechanics with Quantonian Mechanics or simply Quantonics.

Max Planck's quanta, as a unit ergon field radiation, now renamed as "quantino," is indeed the today's photon whose name was coined in 1926 by Gilbert N. Lewis as the smallest unit of "radiant energy."

On the Emission and Absorption of Caloric Radiation (CALRAD)

From the TRUTON's above study, it emerges that only the emission (but not the absorption) of energy radiation is in the form of discrete "packets" or "lumps." That recognition is in sharp contrast to the current postulate of Quantum Mechanics that assumes, out-of-the-blue, that the absorption of energy radiation (eRAD) is also punctuated.

That willy-nilly postulate of Quantum Mechanics has indeed no foundation in Physics. The absorption of the energy radiation (eRAD) is a continuum and not a discrete phenomenon because of the infield which is a continuous influx field. With that, we have established this dual underneath characteristic of radiation: that its emission is punctuated while its absorption is continuous.

With that, we can encapsulate the characteristics of the caloric radiation (CALRAD) in

The Caloric Radiation Theorem:
On the Outward/Inward Transmission of

The outward emission of CALRAD is punctuated through ergons while
the inward absorption is a continuum infusion.





Softelons as the Elusive Particles (ELPAs) and Ergo Carriers Of Nature

In a xenofluid (XF) medium, regardless of its specific density, particles whose surfaces are also made of xenofluid (XF) become impossible to be distinguished, differentiated or telling them apart from the rest of their environmental xenofluid (eXF). As such, we can talk about the
softelons (SLs) as the indetectable elusive particles (ELPAs) and associate to them the concept of the elusive matter (elma) of Nature.
Remark: As already noted, ELPAs and thus photons are nullons (i.e., massless particles).

Softelons, by being PUGs and thus carriers of "ergo" energy (erE), could be called alternatively as ergolons.

   Remark: Elma is the today's called dark matter (darkma) of Nature and carrier of punctuated hidden (or dark) energy.

The Fundamental Scholium on Vacuum:
On the Two Varieties of Vacuum

We have recognized the existence of two kinds of vacuum:

the absolute vacuum (AVA) devoid of everything but its own existence, and
the ergovoid (erV) endowed with ergofield (erF) which when left unconstrained transforms into xenovoid (XV) whose "fabric" is the non-stretchable grid lattice (gridlat) 3D basenet structure.

Because of that non-stretchable
basenet, the xenovoids (XVs) "clouds" were able to preserve their identities while floating in the absolute vacuum (AVA).
prismat A pulsagon (PUG), once formed, upon entering into AVA will loose its identity while when entering into a XV-cloud it will stay preserved. That identity preservation in a XV-cloud creates a new category of matter --the pristine matter (prismat).





On the Propagation of Light

How light propagates in the cosmic space?, is a simple question to ask that appears to be no longer in any dispute. However its answer emerging from TRUTON is in stark contrast to the current prevailing view that, among other things, it consider light to be able to travel through an absolute vacuum (AVA) unabated.
Such a thing is not possible
: in AVA, an entity devoid of anything but its exstence, nothing that enters in it can preserve its identity. Light is no exception as its photons no longer can maintain their identity. And that is because no relationship could possible be establihed with an AVA medium. click here

In xenovoid (XV) however, Light is able to preserve its identity and propagate unabated, at maximum speed, because of no environmental interference. There, Light's propagation takes place because of XV's non-stretchable 3D grid lattice (gridlat) basenet structure that deflects it perpendicularly, leaving its photons preserved in their original state, i.e., staying "prismated."

As recognized, Light, or an electromagnetic (EM) radiation, in general, is a train of successive packets or units of ergon radiation generated by the self-propellant softelons (SLs).

That ergon radiation once created, can however continue to be transmitted in a XV-cloud because of the impenetrable basenet that makes that radiation to bounce back. That bouncing being in the form of a splatter is always perpendicular to the direction of motion. click

xenevoid's basent
Also we note that there
, in a XV-cloud, the speed of the propagation is maximum as there is nothing out there to interfere with the perpendicular bouncing.

The Olbers' Paradox, also known as the "dark night paradox," questions WHY the night sky is not completely uniformed illuminated and very bright, as the Universe is considered to have an innumerable number of stars.
lightrap Well, this is simply explained now, with the recognition that the
absolute vacuum (AVA), as oppose to the xenovoid (XV), constitutes a trap for the passing light because of XV's "fabric" containing the non-stretchable grid lattice (gridlat). As such, that light trap (lightrap) emerging from the gridlat is the secret behind the Olbers' Paradox.




Additional Commentary on the propagation of Light


                                                          ON Vacuum
. Light vanishes its existence the moment it enters into an absolute vacuum (AVA) medium. And that is because all material objects derive their behavioral characteristics from the relationship that they can establish with their ergo environmental medium. If such a medium is not present and thus if that medium is the absolute vacuum (AVA), then no such behavioral properties can exist. All that has been posted in the 11th UTPOT coupled with The Aristotle-Newton-Archimedes Principle (ANAP).

Aristotle, as we know rejected vehemently, all his life, the existence of an absolute vacuum (AVA) arguing that because of the existence of a denser medium surrounding AVA, that denser medium will fill up the void crushing it and, as such, terminating AVA's existence.
How then our introduced lightrap can ever exists?, Aristotle would argue.
Well, on Earth, Aristotle is right.
AVA does not appear to exist around us on Earth. Here, on Earth the vacuum that we have is not the absolute vacuum (AVA), but is the vacuum endowed with the ergobase energy --the xenovoid (XV) called also the basevoid (BV) as presented in a previous page where energy is being defined. click
In the
cosmic space (cospa), we have an entirely different situation. There in cospa, we have both absolute vacuum (AVA) and xenovoids/basevoids (XV/BV) "clouds." The two types of vacuum are vastly different one from another! click
So in the outer cosmic space, YES, we have the


2. To somehow assume that in an
absolute vacuum (AVA), real entities (like light) can preserve their physical behavioral characteristics is to us such an absurdity that, to use Newton's words, "no man, who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it." Click Here
And yet, exactly such an absurdity with respect to the propagation of light in the a
bsolute vacuum (AVA) current exists.

3. As we have noted in a previous page, a prime experimental result, knowing today as Casimir effect (after Hendrik B. G. Casimir) clearly shows that the known vacuum around us is not devoid of everything due to the field fluctuations that were able to be detected. That vacuum around us is the xenovoid (XV) and not the absolute vacuum (AVA). click here
As such
, the Casimir effect shows that the vacuum investigated (which is the xenovoid) is not an absolute void containing in it some sort of field energy. And that vacuum energy recognition is in concert with the fundamental recognition in ANAP.


On the Nature of Light
Through the eye of TRUTON, the centuries old perplexing
particle-wave duality of the photon and thus of the light is brutally simple in its explanation. There is no "particle" nor "wave" in the TRUTON scenario. What we have here is solely a behavioral characteristic of the softelons (SL) that is being reflected in the existence of its bursts of ergons.

Thus, the photon is the reflection of the outflux flash of an ergon-packet: it behaves like a distinguishable unit or field-bundle of ergoenergy (erE) that travels as a splattered ergon wave radiation that propagates perpendicularly to its initial direction of movement due to the forced splattering that is subjected to, as the result of its collision with the encountered impenetrable basenet wall.

With that recognition in place, we can establish indeed the dual particle-wave like behaviour of the light with the
Newton-Planck Conjecture:

 A corpuscular particle (using Newton's terminology) emits intermittently "packets" of energy (using Planck's terminology).

Thus, the wave-particle behavioral characteristic of light is thus finally understood and resolved in a rational straightforward fashion.


Arthur Compton
Arthur Compton
And speaking of the nature of light, Arthur Compton was able to recognize, through his experiments leading to what is known today as the Compton scattering, that the properties of light cannot be explained solely as a wave phenomenon as its behavior indicate that light consist of particles if we are to explain the low-intensity Compton scattering. (In TRUTON's lingo, this is to say that the ergon, as a packet or unit of energy, preserves its identity as a "particle of energy.")

Light, therefore must behave as if composed of particles-like quantinos as envisioned by Planck in a wave-like fashion whose energy is proportional to the wave's frequency (Compton). As such, we expand the Newton-Planck conjecture into confirming the:
Newton-Planck-Compton Principle:
(whose embodiment is the ergon unit)

 Light is a stream of corpuscular (Newton) particles emitting intermittently quantinos (Planck) of energy in a particle-wave phenomenon (Compton) whose energy is proportional to its wave's frequency.

Remark 1: Light, with its structural corpuscular characteristic, vested in its photons, has a unique attribute: it is massless. Because of that massless attribute of photons, Newton's theory of gravity cannot explain the bending of light around the Sun or around a large mass. That triggered a serious alarm with respect to the validity of Newton's theory of gravity.
The problem that evolved, as such, was in understanding WHY gravity exists in the first place.
And the answer to that pivotal question is revealed in the next page and, it is not based on the lunatic
spacetime mathematical theory of Albert Einstein, but it is based on principles derived from Classical Physics.


Werner Heisenberg

Remark 2: Werner Heisenberg in his 1933 Nobel lecture "The Development of Quantum Mechanics" used Compton scattering result to cement his staggering and far-reaching recognition with respect to his Observational Indeterminacy Principle (HOIP).

Above, we have noted on the behavioral commonality of the two families that make the pulsagons (PUGs). Now, we add two (2) more common characteristics: their permanent mobility (PERMO) and their stability.
PERMOPERMOOn the Permanent Mobility (PERMO) of Pulsagons (PUGs)

Let us note that pulsagons (PUGs), once formed, become self-propellant particles generated by their two dynamic phases of existence, their influx phase and outflux flash. As the pulsagon (PUG), in its sel-propellant motion, moves its interior outside of the axis of spin (AOS) of its spinoflon (sFL), an accelerated motion begins to take place pursuant to the point 2 of GUTOM. Now the spinning environmental xenofluid (eXF) of sFL becomes an environmental propellant (to use Aristotle's lingo).

The Eight Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (8th FURON): 
Pulsagons as stable permanent particles of Nature.

The proof rests in sPAP similar to the one provided for the electrons in the 1st BACHAR by noting that now, in here, the STIP of the fabric of the coverlon (COV) is of radial (radi) nature while the STIP of xenofluid (XF) of the spinoflon (sFL) is transifugal (transi). Because of that STIP discrepancy, their corresponding RENO, by acting on different platforms, will keep the pulsagons (PUGs) unperturbed in their environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium.

Lowden train
A moving
PUG in its accelerated motion, fueled by the increase in strength of the centrifugal (CF) force of the spinoholon (sHL), will leave behind a "container" of depressed, lower density, environment xenofluid (eXF), called lowden, that will detach at the moment the PUG enters into its outflux flash mode. A train of such lowden cargos (lodcars) , will be formed behind a moving PUG. And those lodcars created will form indeed the seeds for the creation of new particles as outlined below! WOW!

The accelerated motion of the PUG cannot continue indefinitely as it will exist a finite limit when that accelerated motion will come to an abrupt end. And that end will happen
a) either when the PUG reaches the critical speed and desintegrates,
b) or when it reaches the internal facet of the spinoflon (sFL), and bounces back,
whichever comes first, as detailed below:

As the deflected PUG begins a retrograde inertial motion towards the AOS, that retrograde motion is now decelerated due to the opposing influence of sFL's centrifugal (CF) force.

The lowden cargo (lodcar) transformations will mirror the holeon (HOL) transformations posted above. Let's see then, what lodcar-transformations will be able to generate following the blueprint posted for HOL-transformations.

Case 1: AOS is outside or at the border of lodcar (AOS Locar).
.Here, the internal facet of lodcar, i, will squeeze the interior of lodcar until the XF-density of locar equals that of its internal surface i. Thus, the XB-BUZO left behind i completes this formed picture: a XF-blob surrounded by a XB-BUZO.
Hence, as in the case of the
electron, the existence of the created XB-BUZO, makes the newly formed particle a "visible" one.

Case 2: AOS is inside of lodcar (AOS Locar).
.Here, the entire environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium squeezes the lodcar until a XF-blob separated by a xenobase (XB) membrane from eXF. Here, because COXI is not being satisfied, the xenofluid external facet cannot integrate into the eXF, preserving thus its autonomous identity.
As such, in there, that autonomous xenofluid mantle [the
coverlon (COV)] that was created around the newly formed particle, makes that new particle an elusive one, i.e., an ELPA like.


Ernest Rutherford  
PR-PROTON The hardtron (HD) whose surface is xenorigid (XR), is indeed the today's named proton (PR) whose name was coined in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford.

Proton's symbol
symbol ("<")
.We say that the proton (PR) becomes saturated when its acquired xenodense xenofluid coat --the coverlon (COV) becomes saturated (SAT) ready for detachment. When the detachment of the saturated coverlon (SAT-COV) takes place, the proton is said to have become naked.

The phase in which the proton is acquiring the coverlon (COV) is called the proton's influx phase and the moment at which the proton becomes naked and its coverlon (COV) detaches and bursts out is called the proton's outflux burst or flash.
Alternatively, the proton because in its influx phase phase is an ergohole (erH), is called a holetron and represented with the "<" sign.

The proton's acquired coverlon (COV) represents the proton's load or charge. We attribute to that charge the positive sign, because that COV elevates the proton's global energy level as it becomes saturated. In other words,

The "naked" proton (PR) by being an ergohole (erH) residing "below" the ergobase (erB) "bottom" of the ergosea (erS), upon acquiring its charge is being been elevated into a saturated state able to enter into the ergosea (erS). Once there in the erS, its coverlon (COV), and thus its charge, is going to dissipate into a burst of an ergon packet of energy by the DownLevel (Downlev) law.
After that
, when the proton (PR) became anew "naked" by ergo-falling again below the ergobase (erB) "bottom" of the ergosea (erS), a new cycle begins to take place that will continue in perpetuity.

Because of their positive sign charge, protons can also be called positons*.


*Note: TRUTON's positons are NOT to be confused with the positrons of Quantum Mechanics as the purported "antiparticles" of the electrons. Antiparticles and antimatter does not exist in Nature as they are mentalons. They exist and reside only in some speculative Mind and nowhere else.

The influx-outflux interchange between the naked and the saturated proton, producing the called gamma-ray radiation within an atomic nucleus, generates the nucleus internal atomic (NIA) energy.
Upon the break-up of an atomic nucleus, the
NIA-energy will be released generating a burst of gamma-ray radiation. Radioactivity, radioactive decay, or the nuclear fission --are all phenomena that are accompanied by the release of the NIA-energy.

Two or more protons (PRs) that emit their respective coverlon (COV) at the same identical time are said to be equiphased. Protons that are not equiphased are said to be outphased. As such, two or more equiphased protons repel themselves, while the outphased protons will attract themselves.

By the 6h FURON, through the ergoleveling process, outphased protons that are in contact will transform themselves into equiphased protons and hence, they will now repel themselves. That appears to be quite problematic in the formation of an atomic nucleus if all the touching protons, within it, will fly apart! As such, in stable atomic nuclei, its outphased protons cannot touch each other! But that implies that another particle must exist in an atomic nucleus that acts somehow as a buffer or a briddge between outphased protons.


And that particle, as you perhaps may have guessed is the
neutron (NT) to be identified in a next page. As such, we will be able to talk about the existence of neutron-buffers (nebs) to be formed in the atomic nucleus between the outphased protons. A symbiotic relationship between outphased protons and neutrons will exist generating the stability of the atomic nucleus as the outphased protons will be able to preserve the neutrons' stability while neutrons will be able to maintain the outphased protons in their current state.
, within that stable scenario, an atom (i.e., a chemical element) would be able to have a variable number of neutron-buffers (nebs) in its nucleus, i.e., to have a number of isotopes.
With the above rather vague picture just created, we can nevertheless draw, in addition, certain important inferences, as follows:

Based on the recognition that the equiphased protons repel, while the outphased ones attract their surroundings, it follows that stable atomic nuclei must be made only of outphased protons.

Proton-Proton Interaction
Because outphased protons in contact trasform into equiphased protons, it follows that the proton-proton interatction is that of repelling each other.

  • Plank:
                                                          advances one
                                                          funeral at a
    Max Planck
    As such, the introduction, out-of-the-blue, of the postulated willy-nilly "strong force" of unknowing origin to "explain" the binding of protons together in an atomic nucleus is no longer necessary, as all stable atomic nuclei are made of outphased protons separated by neutrons.
  • Natural radioactivity (narad) occurs for the atomic nuclei that incorporate two or more equiphased protons...
    - There must exist a finite maximum number of outphased protons that a stable atomic nucleus can sustain...
    - Narad occurs only in those chemical elements whose atomic nuclei exceed that maximum atomic number (Z)...
    - Apparently, that upper limit number is 83 because beginning with the next chemical element (that is Polonium) whose atomic number is 84, narad starts to show up. All chemical elements following Polonium must, as well, display narad activity...
  • Induced radioactivity occurs when stable atomic nuclei are being infused with radiation energy that are able to dislodge one or more neutrons from their location leading one or more outphased protons to close-in and get themselves in contact one to another, transforming them therefore, by the ergoleveling process, into equiphased protons that will become ejected from the nucleus...

                                                          advances one
                                                          funeral at a
    Max Planck
    As such, the introduction, out-of-the-blue, of the postulated willy-nilly "weak force" of unknowing origin responsible for mediating the radioactive decay is superfluous and thus, is no longer necaessary...
  • Both phases of a proton's life (its influx phase and outflux flash) in a spinning system are being subjugated by the dominant centrifugal (CF) force that, through its increase in strength, can generate and trigger the rupture or the splitting of atomic nuclei, called nuclear fission... A number of nuclear centrifuges, worldwide, are designed with that end in mind...

                                                          advances one
                                                          funeral at a
Max Planck
On the so-called "God Particle":
. The so-called speculative Higgs boson particle assumed to exist (dubbed also as the "God Particle"), purported to have been discovered at CERN, and considered somehow to be responsible for the mass creation in the Universe --whatever the meaning of that nonsensical purported mass creation may be (as mass is being defined as the quantity of matter an object has), is to us such an absurdity, that no sane person could possibly fall into that mental black hole, provided that no brainwashing was administered and sustained.
.God, if there is one, is surely having a field day in seeing all that "God Particle" absurdity that is taking place in the nowadays degenerated brainwashed "new" Physics of the Tau Tau Quantum Cartel!

On the Proton's Emission of Ergo Radiation

As we have recognized, a proton at regular intervals of time, at its outflux burst moment, will emit a "packet" of ergo radiation, i.e., will emit an ergon. In an atomic nucleus of an element, at the moment when one of its protons will emit the ergon, the rest of its protons will be in influx phases capable of absorbing, if not entirely but most of, that ergo radiation. The only element in Nature whose atomic nucleus is able to emit, in full, the ergo radiation is the Hydrogen whose atomic nucleus is made of one single proton.

The next element that could release a portion of the ergo radiation is the Helium whose one of its protons can absorb some of the ergo radiation emitted by the other proton. Continuing, with each subsequent chemical element, their atomic nuclei are able to release less and the of the ergo radiation because of the increased number of protons in the influx phases that are able to absorb each, part of the emitted ergo radiation.


Big Bang Never Happened
that never
The cosmic
ergon thermal radiation, known today as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, and in TRUTON as the cosmic background radiation (COBAR), erroneously is being attributed as the remnant of the bogus speculative Big Bang cosmological model of the Universe. No such a Big Bang creation ever existed in Nature!

Nearly all the nuclear matter in cosmic space is made of Hydrogen and Helium due to the fact that they are the simplest elements in Nature. They have the additional distinction, as noted, of being the principal emitters of ergons in the cosmic space. And that is because, from the subsequent chemical elements of Nature, their respective atomic nuclei, having more protons, would be able to absorb, in full, the ergo radiation emmited by one of their protons.

We mark that important recognition into
The Ninth Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (9th FURON): 
Hydrogen as the Prmary and Helium as the Secondary Generators of COBAR

Again, let us repeat it one more time that

No such a fictional nonsensical Big Bang model responsible for the creation of our Universe, or any other universe, ever existed in Nature, as was detailed in the previous page, in here.

And let repeat again, Max Planck's poignant remark that

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents finally die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."


On the Proton-Electron Additional Attributes

1. On the Parity of the Electron and Proton Charges:
Let us note that the proton's load or charge which is vested in its COV, when decompressed, becomes identical to the electron's charge vested in its xenobase (XB) BUZO. In other words, the electron and the proton carry the same quantity of xenosubstance (XS) in their loads or charges. And that is because those respective charges spring from one and the same entity that has two different forms of existence: the XB-form vested in BUZO and, the compressed XG-form vested in COV!

2. On the Unstructured Character of the Electron and Proton Formation:
Both the
electron (EL) and the protons (PR), as we have seen, are born out of one single unstructured unit --the holeon (Ø). As such, contrary to the current speculative view, as promulgated by the speculative nonsensical Quantum Mechanics, that protons are composite particles (purported to be made-up of some invisible and non-detectable primal particles --the so-called quarks that were postulated, ad-hoc, to exist in order to "explain" certain characteristics attributed to protons), they, in fact, are not a mixture of anything:
Protons, as the electrons, are not composite particles, they are unstructured.

3. On the Proton-Electron Interactional Characteristics:
electron (EL) is a xenogel (XG) ball whose interior is xenovoid (XV) and whose exterior is surrounded by a xenobase (XB) buffer zone. The outer layer of that buffer zone is the holeon's original external facet of --the . That xenofluid (XF) surface of that is kept by XEBA, will have the tendency by RENO to squish the holeon's XB buffer zone. Since a XB-block has a minimum resistance towards compression, the holeon's XB buffer zone (BUZO) will be able to be preserved up to a point. If that XB-resistance of BUZO is being brocken, then the xenobase (XB) BUZO will be transformed into a thin xenofluid (tXF) BUZO. However, that minute transformation of XB into tXF will not be able to be maintained because of XEBA.

A perpetual minute dance to-and-fro between XEBA and RENO will take place generating the permanent scintillation of the BUFFs buffer zone. That permanent scintillation charactheristic of a buffertron's buffer zone (XB-BUZO) makes the electron (EL) a scintillating particle that now could be renamed, viewed from that "lens," as the scintitron.

Asides from the electron's scintillating characterstic, another straightforward characteristic generating from its xenobase buffer zone (XB-BUZO) is that, at close range, as noted above and in the 4th BACHAR, the electron (EL) is a repellant. Viewed from that repellant characteristics, an electron could be renamed as the repeltron.

Notwithstanding electron's repellant characteristic, the electron and the proton do not permanently repel themselves. And that is because, the proton in its influx phase of existence will exert a "suck-in" influence around it, generating attraction rather than repulsion. So, during that period, attraction will exist between those two particles --the electron (EL) and the proton (PR).
                                                          pattern Electron's
Zig-Zag wave-like
trajectory pattern.

On the other hand, in the proton's outflux moment of its flash (when the proton emits an ergon), the attraction between those two particles is being transformed into repulsion as both display now repellant characteristics.

So, a rather complex and intricate attraction-repulsion relationship is being established between the electron and the proton. That pull-push influence exerted by the proton will generate the complex zigzag motions of the electrons within atoms --a subject of a next page.

4. Proton and Electron as Interlocked Mass and Field Energy Particles:

protons (PRs) and the electrons (ELs) when viewed individually through the lens of being masson particles, are called collectively as masstrons and, when viewed as field energy particles, are called ergotrons.

In addition, to reflect that masstrons reside at the baseline (BL) of Nature, they are called alternatively as basetrons.

The protons in their
influx phase generate an influx field --the infield sucking in everything around them. As such, some passing electrons can be entageled in the proton's infield generating interlocked fields called field-locks which represent also their bridges of communication (BOCs).

Concluding Remarks

As we have seen, the holeon transformations were able to provide a glimpse into the absolute "bottom" line of Nature -- its baseline where the primons (or baselons) were being formed. The particles that have emerged were the pulsagons (PUGs) and the electrons (ELs).

A common feature of
primons (PRIMs) that was discovered to exist, was that both are charactherized by their permanent mobility (PERMO) and stability. We mark that important finding and recognition into
The Tenth Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (10th FURON): 
Primons as stable and permanent mobile particles of Nature.

The stability of primons (PRIMs) is being derived from the establishment of the PUG's stability and that of electron through the 1st-BACHAR.
The permanent mobility of primons (PRIMs) is being derived from the establishment of the PUG's mobility with that of the electron through the 3rd BACHAR.

Finally, before we leave this page, we cannot help but marvel at the stunning versatility of pulsagons (PUGs) as they generate, in their environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium,

  • a permanent influx field (infield) punctuated by periodic outflux bursts of packets of energy radiation called ergons; and generate
  • the seeds for the creation of new particles through the generated locars.
What else those PUGs have in store for us to discover?
, the answer to this is the subject of the next page. But here, before we leave this page, we recognize that all PUGs are endowed from their birth with the ergolib (erLib).
To this
, if we add the recognition that the electrons (ELs) are also endowed with ergolib (erLib), then the proof, that all primons (PRIMs) are endowed with ergolib (erLib), is complete.
CODE With that, the existence of the CODE between the PRIMs and their environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium is firmly established. The existence of that underneath erLib, provides the CODE for Ergolev to operate, as encapsulated below.

USOM In the 5th FURON, it was recognized that EMPON is the underlying stabilizer of matter (usom). Now, we can see WHY that is so:

it is because of the existence of the underneath ergolib (erLib) that can establishes a common denominator (CODE) between the primons (PRIMs) and their environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium where a bridge of comunication (BOC) is being created for EMPON to operate.

one more thing
On the Nonexistence of Anti-particles
No, anti-electron, anti-proton, anti-neutron, anti-atom, anti-particle, anti-matter exist in Nature.

Anderso-Dirac duo
Anti-electron (e+) named also positron has been defined as the purported pair of the "regular" electron (e-) having the reverse positive electric charge. Such a thing does not exist in Nature, but exist only in the convoluted mathematical quantum theory of Paul Dirac and his followers that was cemented with the purported cloud chamber photograph of Carl David Anderson. The assumed longevity of a positron considered to be about half of a nanosecond, represents the minute nano-transitional state of the the "regular" electron (e-) due to a nano-compression of its XB-BUZO charge by its surrounding environmental xenofluid.
Anti-proton, anti-neutron and all other purported "anti" entities speculated to exist and ushered theoretically from the same mathematical theories of Paul Dirac were portrayed of having the same infinitesimal nano-lives and having opposite parity charges. The "confirmation" always followed with distorted photographic results as inferred from the monumental recognition of Werner Heisenberg with his noted observer effect. With that recognition, the murky zone of Quantum Mechanics is now in full display.

Plank: Science
                                                          advances one
                                                          funeral at a
Max Planck



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